Credits transfer. Leafs can send to and take from the hub. So to transfer from leaf to leaf, you have to give to hub and take from hun on the other slave. "/msg bot transfer" for help. MORA@EFNet Small installation instruction by Turranius. Note: I do not support this script, so dont message me. hoho. Make a dir called sitecreds in your bot dir (not in scripts/). On the hub, Put sitecreds.hub.tcl and sitecreds.shared.tcl in it. On the slave (called leaf here), put sitecreds.leaf.tcl and sitecreds.shared.tcl in it. Load sitecreds.hub.tcl in your bots config file on the hub. Load sitecreds.leaf.tcl in your bots config file on the slave. (Do not load sitecreds.shared.tcl. Just leave it in the same dir.) Edit sitecreds.hub.tcl and sitecreds.slave.tcl and change the few settings. Rehash the bots. You can now /msg leafbot transfer for instructions.