README for ugly-nfonuke 1.0 * ABOUT Nfonuke scans a list of dirs for directories of a defined minimum age that are missing NFOs, and nukes them with a specified nuke multiplier. It allows the user to specify a list of patterns that, if matched, will be exempted from nuking. The script is designed for use with crontab. Nfonuke works on an assumption: if a directory contains a SFV somewhere in its hierarchy, then in all cases it also must contain an NFO in its hierarchy too. Basically, if a directory does not have a SFV, it may not have a NFO, so it won't be nuked by the script. This is often the case in "sample fixes" and similar, which may only contain an AVI/MPG. It does not matter if a dir contains an NFO within a subdir, it won't get nuked. * INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION Copy to the directory you want it executed and 'chmod 755' it. The script requires a (preferably) dedicated login for nuking, so add a user to your site with the +4A flags. Open the script in an editor and change the default configuration. Add a line to crontab ('crontab -e') similar to this: * */4 * * * /jail/glftpd/bin/ The above line will execute the script every 4 hours. Note that the script does not need to be placed in the glftpd/bin directory. FreeBSD users will need to install sh-utils (available in the ports tree as misc/sh-utils) for this script to work. * CONTACT Please send bug reports to: - ugly on EFNet