xL-ipchanger v1.3 README ------------------------ I was tired of adding and deleting ip's all the time so i wrote a script for it. CHANGELOG --------- 1.0 Added !delip 1.1 Added !listip 1.2 Now the script won't do anything unless the IP to add/del contains a "@" It will still report the addip/delip to the user though This is just to avoid abusing from idiots who want to rearrange their userfile :P 1.3 Changed lots of things in both .tcl and .sh Added some new features * Force users to add an ident. * Limit the number of IP's that the users are allowed to add. * IP won't be added unless it contains the correct amount of numbers. For example you can't add 192.168.* or *@192.168. * You can decide how many IP numbers the users have to specify * It will tell you if the ip you want to delete doesn't exist or if the ip you want to add already exists. DESCRIPTION ----------- This script will allow the users to addip and delip on their own by using /msg !addip/!delip The users are also able to view their current IP's by using /msg !listip Everything will be logged and you are able to read the last 10 (change this if you want :P) changes of that log by using /msg sitebot !ipchanges (for ops only) Of course you can read it manually too. The bot's shell account has to have write permission on every user file. INSTALLATION ------------ * Extract the file ( gzip -dc xl-ipchanger_v1.3.tar.gz | tar -xof- ) * Edit and copy xl-ipchanger.sh to /glftpd/bin and chmod a+x * Copy xl-ipchanger.tcl to your eggdrop script dir and add it to your eggdrop.conf * touch /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/xl-ipchanger.log and chmod 777 * Make the bot owner of the user files by putting something like this in your crontab ( crontab -e ): 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * chown /glftpd/ftp-data/users/* > /dev/null 2>&1 CONTACT ------- Please contact me if u have any questions about this script or if you experience any bugs. email: xolax@home.se IRC: xoLax@EFnet