############################################################## ## Requires Eggdrop1.6.0 or greater and Darkones sitebot ## ## by aCe2k ## ############################################################## # Greetings go to B0unTy for starting me off on this # ############################################################## # 1. First thing todo is to get gl to parse every nfo to see # if theres and imdb url. Edit project-zs/zipscript/conf/zsconfig.h # to and set enable_accept_script from FALSE to TRUE # # /* Enable/disable accept script (accept script is run, if file is ok) # */ # #define enable_accept_script TRUE # #define accept_script "/bin/imdb_parse.sh" # # 2. Recompile your zipscript # # 3. Extract imdb_parse.sh from archive to your glftpd/bin # Remember permissions for glftpd to run it # # 4. Now you need to add a small script portion to your dZSbot.tcl # locate: proc readlog # Find the if statment that string compares "INVITE" # Insert the following line on the line above it. Insert, not replace! # # if { ! [string compare $msgtype "IMDB"] } { imdbhandler [lindex $line 7] } # # 5. After this you need to disable announce by section # A few lines down, locate if { ([denycheck "$path"] == 0 ) } # and edit it to look like this... # # if { ([denycheck "$path"] == 0 ) && $msgtype != "IMDB" } # # NB! Because of limitations in tcl/tk i have not added the last bracket in the line above. # # 6. Edit your eggdrops conf file and point the source /path/to/aCe.iMDB.tcl # source scripts/aCe.iMDB.tcl # or # source /glftpd/sitebot/aCe.iMDB.tcl # if thats where you put it # ################# ## ## VERSION LOG ## ## Bugfix 1.5.8 (29-Mar-2005) ## - Added support for old style imdb ruls ## u know ../Title?number style ## ## Bugfix 1.5.7 (22-Dec-2004) ## - Plot output or rather %outline now works ## - Runtime output now works too ## - Fix minor tcl/tk compatibility fix ## - Fixed error [cant read "nfofile": no such variable] ## ## Tweak 1.5.6 (12-Dec-2004) ## - Compatibility fix ## - Added public !imdb command in chan for version info ## ## Version 1.5.5 (09-Oct-2004) ## - First public release ## #################