----------------- TRIAL QUOTA V.1.4 ----------------- ### NEWS ### v1.4 ---- It fucked up the dates when a new month was started.. now it works fine again. v1.3 ---- Fixed so users in the trial group that checked there quota got the right message. v1.2 ---- Added a crontab that can delete users if they fail quota and will make log the month stats. Users must have been added for the hole month to need to pass quota. ### INSTALLATION ### Edit all .sh files and the .tcl file. Copy all .sh files to your glftpd bin directory. Change all .sh files to chmod a+x Copy the tcl file to your sitebots eggdrop script dir. Add it to you eggdrop config file. Type "touch /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/trial" and "chmod 777 /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/trial" Or what you changed the line to in the tcl and trials.sh Make "/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/stats" chmod 777 on it. Add a cron "59 23 * * * /glftpd/bin/quotacron.sh" This will start the quota script and make logfiles in the statdir. If you have enabled auto delete on users that have faild quota the script will check the date and delete if it's time for that. That's about all. Hope you find it usefull. Atleast if works for or needs. And remember to add reset to you crontab... 0 0 * * * /glftpd/bin/reset - TRIAL QUOTA (C) wh3e@hugbox.net / vip3r@i386.net